Below you can find the program summary for the event. A complete list of presentations can be found here. Around middle march we will release a full program with presentation times.
Our activities are programmed between 7am (breakfast) until 08pm (light dinner). During evenings we are planning social, cultural and sports activities.
Remember that if you are planning to attend any mini course you should arrive on Sunday morning! Buses will be available to drive you to the conference place from both main airport close to the event, GRU and VCP. Check the Place & Date page for available times.
The final program with presentaion time and chairs can be obtained here.

Programed sessions are as follow. Each session is a block of two or more presentations under the specific theme.
- TS-1: Tectonic Structure One
- TS-2: Tectonic Structure Two
- SS-1: Seismicity Studies One
- SS-2: Seismicity Studies Two
- SS-3/Signal: Seismicity Studies / Signal Processing
- SS-4: Seismicity Studies Four
- SS-5: Seismicity Studies Five
- SS-6: Seismicity Studies Six / Probabilistic Seismic Hazard Analysis
- FA-1: Field Advances One
- LTSS: Lightining Talks Seismicity Studies
- LTFA: Lightining Talks Field Advances
- PP-1: Poster Session One (Monday - Tuesday)
Posters should be in place by Monday morning (if possible Sunday evening) and be removed on Tuesday after the Coffee-break. . - PP-2: Poster Session Two (Tuesday - Weednesday)
Posters should be in place on Tuesday by Lunch Time and be remove on Weednesday after the Coffee-break.
Posters are numbered from 1 to 25. Your poster number is the last number in your session code, for example PP-1-22 is the poster 22 in the PP-1 Session above.