Lastest News

Keep informed on the latest news from the 3rd SBS. On this page you will be able to find the latest official news related to the symposium. This is always up to date with the latest official news.

21-Abr, 2019 / Time to organize the 4th SBS

Our 3rd SBS is over. During 3 days we have enjoyed minicourses, presentations and experienced social activities that toguether contributed to all aspects of the event. The Local Organizing Committee would like to thank everyone of you for contributing to the event, by no other means the event could be as successfull as it was without all individual contribution. Also, not less important was all the support from our hosts at Casa Siloé, Prof. Dr. Ramachrisna Teixeira and IAG/USP staff at the Observatório Abraão de Morais for receiving us and the direct support from IAG/USP Support staff at site (Roselly & Luciana) and at IAG (Marcio, Shibata, Luanah, Lazaro & Doniseti) and also, the director of IAG (Prof. Dr. Pedro Leite da Silva Dias).

Don't forget:

Certificates of participation are available from your participation area.
Payments receipts were distributed during conference check-in, if you lost yours/need a copy drop us an email.
Abstracts will be available from this webpage as long as we manage to maintain it.

     Thank you ! And see you again in the 4th SBS !

12-Abr, 2019 / Last Minute Transport information

You can find here detailed information about the transportation to the event.

>> Information in English

>> Informação em Português

11-Abr, 2019 / Final program

We manage! It is ONLINE, final program is available for eveyone. Check your chair, check your presetantion times and also your poster number!

Download the PDF!

23-Fev, 2019 / Program and Bus

We made available a preliminary program and a time table of buses that are being organized to drive people from the main airports to the conference center.

Please consider that informed times can change, but we will try to only postpone a programmed time reducing any side effect that it may cause.

21-Fev, 2019 / Travel Advice

Remembering that we will have a minicourse happening in SP, during the week of 8-12th April we organized a travel advice page accessible HERE !!! In this page you can find information about transportation in SP, how to reach university campus and IAG buildings. Also, we list some hotels that could be a good option depending on individual needs.

SP travel advice page !!!

13-Fev, 2019 / Registration

We would like to thanks all the submitted abstracts. In total, we received 98 submissions, 29 for Tectonics and Earth Structure, 22 for Field advances and 47 for the Seismicity and source studies. All abstracts are browseable from!

During this week (8-16th February), you can confirm your participation in the event with a discount fee. Remember that you should register and pay during this week to able to use the discount rate. Standard rates include accomodation in double or triple rooms, breakfast, lunch and light dinner at the event.

20-Jan, 2019 / Invitation Letter

Today we uploaded a feature to the participation area that allow to obtain a invitation letter that can help searching for financial support. The letter will be available only if you have a submitted abstract.

17-Jan, 2019 / Mini courses

More informations about the mini courses are now available at a special page. There will be two mini courses on Sunday, 14th of April and one special one-week course between April 08-12.

07-Jan, 2019 / 2nd Offical Circular

2nd Oficial circular is out here !!! We will have 5 international invited talks, and minicourses are also defined. As usual we need your help to invite students, collaborators and other people that may be interested in our event.

Abstract submission deadline is 31st January (THIS DATE WILL NOT BE POSTPONED!)

21-Dec, 2018 / Fees

Symposium fees are available. Discount normal registration will be R$ 440,00 (~US$110) while students fees will be only R$ 340,00 (~US$85). This will include lodging in the period of 14th to 17th April 2019 with check-in and check-out at 2:00 p.m., in double or triple rooms. Breakfast, lunch and light dinner, in addition to the coffee-breaks to be offered during the symposium will also be included.

Information is available at

04-Dec, 2018 / Spread

Help us to disclose the 3rd SBS. You can download and print our banner to be placed in your institution mural. You can send the link to this PDF for all your students and working colleagues!

Copy and send this link:

12-Nov, 2018 / 1st Circular

1st Oficial circular is out here !!! In this first circular there is a list of programed minicourses and invited speakers. Also, following dates on our front page we reinforce that the final abstract submission date is 31st January, 2019.